Mapping Imagined Geographies of Revolutionary Russia

homeCategory: type

a place of any scale to which a person or community perceive themselves as belonging, which has significant emotional associations and symbolic meaning

Place Based Concepts Having this Component

  • PBC0003: pride in placeplace -- home -- empire -- tsarist nationalist -- pride

  • PBC0006: fear of WWI defeatplace -- home -- empire -- pro-revolution -- fear of defeat

  • PBC0316: intimidation of traitorsplace -- home -- global order -- Bolshevik -- intimidation
  • Works Using This PBC

    Multivalent Markers

  • PBC0144: hope for rebirthplace -- home -- nation -- nationalist -- hope for new life

  • PBC0150place -- home -- nation -- nationalist -- passion for conservation

  • PBC0152: love of homelandplace -- home -- nation -- nationalist -- love of homeland

  • PBC0156place -- home -- nation -- nationalist -- disillusionment

  • PBC0169: hope despite defeatplace -- home -- nation -- tsarist nationalist -- hope despite defeat

  • PBC0170place -- home -- nation -- tsarist nationalist -- pity

  • PBC0171place -- home -- nation -- tsarist nationalist -- grief at defeat

  • PBC0172: pride in heroismplace -- home -- nation -- tsarist nationalist -- pride despite defeat

  • PBC0174place -- home -- nation -- tsarist nationalist -- anxiety at war

  • PBC0175place -- home -- nation -- tsarist nationalist -- resolve to fight on

  • PBC0178place -- home -- nation -- tsarist nationalist -- pride in vastness of Russia

  • PBC0179: pride in sacrificeplace -- home -- nation -- tsarist nationalist -- passion for martyrdom

  • PBC0180: solidarity among soldiersplace -- home -- nation -- tsarist nationalist -- solidarity among soldiers

  • PBC0185: hope for freedomplace -- home -- nation -- Bolshevik -- hope for a free country

  • PBC0189place -- home -- nation -- Bolshevik -- worker arrogance

  • PBC0190: pride in heroismplace -- home -- Volga region -- Bolshevik -- pride in heroism -- epic time
  • Works Using This PBC

    Multivalent Markers

  • PBC0192place -- home -- nation -- Bolshevik -- sadness at oppression

  • PBC0193: mockery of tsarist ideologyplace -- home -- nation -- Bolshevik -- satire of tsarist ideology

  • PBC0199: skeptical patriotismplace -- home -- nation -- Bolshevik -- love of homeland

  • PBC0201place -- home -- nation -- Bolshevik -- passion for martyrdom

  • PBC0202place -- home -- nation -- Bolshevik -- anger at Russian passivity

  • PBC0203place -- home -- nation -- Proletkult Bolshevik -- solidarity among workers and peasants

  • PBC0205: anxiety from warplace -- home -- nation -- pro-revolution -- anxiety about impact of war

  • PBC0207place -- home -- nation -- pro-revolution -- skepticism of rural patriarchy

  • PBC0210: skepticism (war)place -- home -- nation -- pro-revolution -- skepticism of war

  • PBC0212: anxiety about futureplace -- home -- nation -- independent -- anxiety about political instability

  • PBC0215: yearning for wild freedomplace -- home -- nation -- independent -- yearning for anarchic freedom
  • Multivalent Markers

  • PBC0216: hope for peaceplace -- home -- nation -- independent -- hope for peace

  • PBC0217: love of homelandplace -- home -- Volga region -- Bolshevik -- love for a city

  • PBC0218place -- home -- Volga region -- Bolshevik -- Promethean confidence

  • PBC0221: filial love of homelandplace -- home -- Volga region -- regionalist -- filial love

  • PBC0226: rejection of colonialismplace -- home -- region -- regionalist -- rejection of Russian colonialism

  • PBC0227: pride in heroismplace -- home -- Siberian region -- regionalist -- pride in Siberians' courage

  • PBC0228place -- home -- Siberian region -- regionalist -- resolve to fight on

  • PBC0231place -- home -- Siberian region -- regionalist -- filial love

  • PBC0233place -- home -- Siberian region -- regionalist -- solidarity among Siberians

  • PBC0236: sadness at oppressionplace -- home -- Siberian region -- regionalist -- sadness at oppression -- bad past

  • PBC0237: mistrust of colonialsplace -- home -- region -- regionalist -- colonial alienation

  • PBC0239place -- home -- Volga region -- Bolshevik -- joy

  • PBC0242place -- home -- Siberian region -- Bolshevik -- Promethean confidence

  • PBC0243: love of home regionplace -- home -- south Russian region -- regionalist -- pride in heroism

  • PBC0245: love of homelandplace -- home -- north Russian region -- independent -- love for regional homeland

  • PBC0247: sadness at sufferingplace -- home -- village -- pro-revolution -- sadness at peasant suffering

  • PBC0250: arrogant confidenceplace -- home -- village -- pro-revolution -- arrogance

  • PBC0253: mockery of nationplace -- home -- nation -- pro-revolution -- satire of national pride

  • PBC0254: joy at liberationplace -- home -- village -- pro-revolution -- joy at rural awakening

  • PBC0257place -- home -- village -- pro-revolution -- sadness at oppression

  • PBC0258place -- home -- village -- pro-revolution -- jubilation at victory

  • PBC0259: mockery of villageplace -- home -- village -- Bolshevik -- satire of Russian backwardness

  • PBC0260: hope for solidarityplace -- home -- village -- Bolshevik -- solidarity among workers and peasants

  • PBC0261: hope for enlightenmentplace -- home -- village -- Bolshevik -- confidence in enlightening peasants
  • Works Using This PBC

    Multivalent Markers

  • PBC0262: love of homelandplace -- home -- steppe -- Proletkult Bolshevik -- love for rural homeland

  • PBC0266: grief at death of a placeplace -- home -- city -- nationalist -- grief about death of a city

  • PBC0268place -- home -- city -- nationalist -- grief at losing Moscow

  • PBC0269: hope for victoryplace -- home -- city -- nationalist -- hope for victory

  • PBC0272place -- home -- city -- Bolshevik -- satire of Russian backwardness

  • PBC0273: mockery of tsarismplace -- home -- city -- Bolshevik -- satire of anti-Semitism

  • PBC0275: reverence for a cityplace -- home -- city -- Bolshevik -- reverence for capital

  • PBC0277: mockery of religionplace -- home -- city -- Bolshevik -- irreverence toward old belief systems

  • PBC0279: hope for solidarityplace -- home -- city -- Bolshevik -- solidarity among workers and peasants
  • Multivalent Markers

  • PBC0096: love of homelandplace -- home -- region -- regionalist -- love of homeland

  • PBC0282place -- home -- city -- independent -- grief about death of a city

  • PBC0283place -- home -- city -- pro-revolution -- alienation from rural home

  • PBC0287place -- home -- nation -- independent -- affection

  • PBC0293: sadness at disunityplace -- home -- nation -- regionalist -- sadness at disunity
  • Works Using This PBC

    Multivalent Markers

  • PBC0299: rejection of colonialismplace -- home -- city -- regionalist -- pride in multiculturalism
  • Works Using This PBC

    Multivalent Markers

  • PBC0305: mockery of passivityplace -- home -- nation -- tsarist nationalist -- satire -- bad present
  • Works Using This PBC

    Multivalent Markers

  • PBC0310: regionalist prideplace -- home -- region -- regionalist -- pride -- heroic past

  • PBC0315: anger at enemyplace -- home -- nation -- tsarist nationalist -- anger at betrayal
  • Works Using This PBC

    Multivalent Markers