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Analysis Three
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родина (motherland)
Basic Information
Russian Term: родина
English Term: motherland
Textual Data
Works Where родина (motherland) Is Associated With a Place-Based Concept
Akhmatova, A ty teper' tiazhelyi i unylyi…
Akhmatova, Petrograd, 1919
Akhmatova, Pokinuv roshchi rodiny sviashchennoi…
Antonov, Poslednee prosti
Antonov, Vpered!
Aseev, Mirovei
Balashov, K portretu Denisa Davydova
Balashov, Liudi-brat'ia
Balashov, Palacham Rossii
Balashov, Raspiata Rus'!
Balashov, V toske
Bronitskaia, Bratu-galichaninu
Bronitskaia, Nashei doblestnoi Artillerii i ee slavnomu Vozhdiu i Inspektoru, Velikomu Kniaziu, Sergeiu Mikhailovichu
Chirikov, Volzhskaia skazochnitsa
Did, Molitva
Did, Rus' ne pobedima
Did, Urozhai
Esenin, Goi ty, Rus', moia rodnaia…
Esenin, Ispoved' khuligana
Esenin, Oktoikh
Esenin, Pogaslo solntse...
Esenin, Pogaslo solntse…
Godin, Izgnanie
Gor'kii, Izvestnyi russkii issledovatel' plemen Sudana
Gor'kii, Ravnopravie evreev
Gor'kii, Svobodnaia assotsiatsiia polozhitel'nykh nauk
Gret, Smysl voiny
Gumilëv, Zachem on mne snilsia
Kallinikov, K sestre miloserdiia
Kallinikov, Kazaki
Kallinikov, Materinskaia radost'
Kallinikov, Sviatoi Georgii
Khudiakov, Vechernii blagovest
Kniazev, Krasnoe Evangelie
Kolchin, Sestra! Sestritsa, na minutku podoidite…
Maiakovskii, Rossii
Prishvin, Mirskaia chasha
Severianin, Liubopytstvo Eklerezity
Sokol, 10 let
Sokol, Bezhentsy
Sokol, God voiny
Sokol, Koshmar
Sokol, Revoliutsiia
Sokol, Rossiia
Sokol, Slezy
Sokol, Stikhi o Rossii
Sokol, Vse vykhodite! Prestupno bezdel'e…
Tsvetaeva, Dorozhkoiu prostonarodnoiu, smirennoiu…
Tsvetaeva, Kornilov
Tsvetaeva, Tsar' i Bog! Prostite malym…
Viatkin, Ogni
Viatkin, Sibir'
PBCs Associated with родина (motherland)
PBC0001: pan-Slavic solidarity
PBC0023: resolve to fight
PBC0037: dread of exile
PBC0038: rejection of homeland
PBC0053: grief at loss of home
PBC0083: political alienation
PBC0086: empathy and alienation
PBC0097: dread of the future
PBC0124: hope for solidarity
PBC0131: alienation from world order
PBC0143: resolve to resist
PBC0145: filial love for homeland
PBC0147: pride in nation
PBC0157: loyalty to nation
PBC0158: anger at betrayal
PBC0160: grief at war deaths
PBC0163: love of homeland
PBC0164: pride in heroism
PBC0165: hope despite defeat
PBC0167: loyalty to tsar
PBC0168: hope to save country
PBC0169: hope despite defeat
PBC0183: hope for worker power
PBC0184: hope for new life
PBC0186: sadness at suffering
PBC0187: resolve to fight
PBC0188: Belligerence against enemies
PBC0200: filial love of homeland
PBC0204: love of homeland
PBC0206: skepticism of civility
PBC0209: yearning for change
PBC0214: romantic love
PBC0221: filial love of homeland
PBC0223: pride in solidarity
PBC0236: sadness at oppression
PBC0296: despair at collapse
PBC0307: humor despite tragedy
Instances by Author