Mapping Imagined Geographies of Revolutionary Russia

pro-revolutionCategory: politics

describes the identity of any of a large number of pro-revolution parties that adhered to principles other than Bolshevik belief in violent overthrow and rule by an autocratic leader--among them, Mensheviks, Socialist Revolutionaries, Anarchists

Place Based Concepts Having this Component

  • PBC0006: fear of WWI defeatplace -- home -- empire -- pro-revolution -- fear of defeat

  • PBC0025: yearning for green cityplace -- unreal place -- utopian city -- pro-revolution -- hope for ecological utopia -- future

  • PBC0027: dread of oppressionliminal space -- road -- Siberian region -- pro-revolution -- dread of political oppression

  • PBC0063place -- unreal place -- village paradise -- pro-revolution -- hope for peasant prosperity

  • PBC0064: joy at victoryplace -- new country -- country -- pro-revolution -- jubilation at victory

  • PBC0124: hope for solidarityplace -- new world -- borderless world -- pro-revolution -- hope for universal solidarity

  • PBC0127: anxiety from warplace -- new world -- borderless world -- pro-revolution -- anxiety about impact of war

  • PBC0205: anxiety from warplace -- home -- nation -- pro-revolution -- anxiety about impact of war

  • PBC0207place -- home -- nation -- pro-revolution -- skepticism of rural patriarchy

  • PBC0210: skepticism (war)place -- home -- nation -- pro-revolution -- skepticism of war

  • PBC0250: arrogant confidenceplace -- home -- village -- pro-revolution -- arrogance

  • PBC0253: mockery of nationplace -- home -- nation -- pro-revolution -- satire of national pride

  • PBC0254: joy at liberationplace -- home -- village -- pro-revolution -- joy at rural awakening

  • PBC0257place -- home -- village -- pro-revolution -- sadness at oppression

  • PBC0258place -- home -- village -- pro-revolution -- jubilation at victory

  • PBC0283place -- home -- city -- pro-revolution -- alienation from rural home

  • PBC0247: sadness at sufferingplace -- home -- village -- pro-revolution -- sadness at peasant suffering

  • PBC0312: shameplace -- uncanny home -- country -- pro-revolution -- shame