Mapping Imagined Geographies of Revolutionary Russia

liminal spaceCategory: genre

a liminal space that typically represents some sort of promise of change or a threat to place; transitional area--not a destination, or a place to live or stay, but where encounters with the "other" can happen, and change (both beneficial and deleterious) can happen.

Place Based Concepts Having this Component

  • PBC0027: dread of oppressionliminal space -- road -- Siberian region -- pro-revolution -- dread of political oppression

  • PBC0032: ecstasy on roadliminal space -- road -- movement in space -- Bolshevik -- ecstasy at coming paradise -- near future

  • PBC0033: faith in road to futureliminal space -- road -- movement in space -- Bolshevik -- confidence

  • PBC0036: arrogant confidenceliminal space -- road -- country -- Bolshevik -- Promethean confidence

  • PBC0038: rejection of homelandliminal space -- edge -- country -- Bolshevik -- rejection of home
  • Works Using This PBC

    Multivalent Markers

  • PBC0041: faith in worker-soldiersliminal space -- front -- city -- Bolshevik -- faith in workers' and soldiers' agency

  • PBC0042: confidence in victoryliminal space -- front -- Volga region -- Bolshevik -- confidence -- epic time

  • PBC0043: joy at coming orderliminal space -- edge -- ideal state -- Bolshevik -- ecstasy at new order -- near future

  • PBC0044: mockery of armyliminal space -- front -- west Russian region -- Bolshevik -- satire of tsarist military

  • PBC0047: pride in sacrificeliminal space -- front -- south Russian region -- nationalist -- yearning for the war zone

  • PBC0049: loyalty to nationliminal space -- front -- south Russian region -- nationalist -- loyalty
  • Works Using This PBC

    Multivalent Markers

  • PBC0054liminal space -- front -- foreign place -- Bolshevik -- confidence -- epic time

  • PBC0288: belligerenceliminal space -- front -- Volga region -- Bolshevik -- love of anarchic freedom -- deep past

  • PBC0289liminal space -- front -- Volga region -- Bolshevik -- resolve

  • PBC0306: anxiety at warliminal space -- front -- Volga region -- Proletkult Bolshevik -- anxiety at war -- future
  • Works Using This PBC

    Multivalent Markers