Mapping Imagined Geographies of Revolutionary Russia

cityCategory: scale

a settlement of large size and density centered around specific economic and social activity

Place Based Concepts Having this Component

  • PBC0041: faith in worker-soldiersliminal space -- front -- city -- Bolshevik -- faith in workers' and soldiers' agency

  • PBC0094: hope for futureplace -- not home -- city -- nationalist -- hope
  • Multivalent Markers

  • PBC0266: grief at death of a placeplace -- home -- city -- nationalist -- grief about death of a city

  • PBC0268place -- home -- city -- nationalist -- grief at losing Moscow

  • PBC0269: hope for victoryplace -- home -- city -- nationalist -- hope for victory

  • PBC0272place -- home -- city -- Bolshevik -- satire of Russian backwardness

  • PBC0273: mockery of tsarismplace -- home -- city -- Bolshevik -- satire of anti-Semitism

  • PBC0275: reverence for a cityplace -- home -- city -- Bolshevik -- reverence for capital

  • PBC0277: mockery of religionplace -- home -- city -- Bolshevik -- irreverence toward old belief systems

  • PBC0279: hope for solidarityplace -- home -- city -- Bolshevik -- solidarity among workers and peasants
  • Multivalent Markers

  • PBC0282place -- home -- city -- independent -- grief about death of a city

  • PBC0283place -- home -- city -- pro-revolution -- alienation from rural home

  • PBC0299: rejection of colonialismplace -- home -- city -- regionalist -- pride in multiculturalism
  • Works Using This PBC

    Multivalent Markers