Mapping Imagined Geographies of Revolutionary Russia

Volga regionCategory: scale

a large-scale area around the Volga River basin

Place Based Concepts Having this Component

  • PBC0042: confidence in victoryliminal space -- front -- Volga region -- Bolshevik -- confidence -- epic time

  • PBC0190: pride in heroismplace -- home -- Volga region -- Bolshevik -- pride in heroism -- epic time
  • Works Using This PBC

    Multivalent Markers

  • PBC0217: love of homelandplace -- home -- Volga region -- Bolshevik -- love for a city

  • PBC0218place -- home -- Volga region -- Bolshevik -- Promethean confidence

  • PBC0221: filial love of homelandplace -- home -- Volga region -- regionalist -- filial love

  • PBC0239place -- home -- Volga region -- Bolshevik -- joy

  • PBC0288: belligerenceliminal space -- front -- Volga region -- Bolshevik -- love of anarchic freedom -- deep past

  • PBC0289liminal space -- front -- Volga region -- Bolshevik -- resolve

  • PBC0291: arrogant confidenceplace -- new country -- Volga region -- Bolshevik -- arrogance

  • PBC0306: anxiety at warliminal space -- front -- Volga region -- Proletkult Bolshevik -- anxiety at war -- future
  • Works Using This PBC

    Multivalent Markers