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Historical figures
Place Based
Multivalent Markers
Analysis One
Analysis Two
Analysis Three
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Frequently Asked Questions
bad present
Category: time
current time that instills feelings of despair
Place Based Concepts Having this Component
PBC0095: anxiety about future
place -- uncanny home -- city -- nationalist -- anxiety about political instability -- bad present
Works Using This PBC
Akhmatova, Eto prosto, eto iasno…
Akhmatova, Petrograd, 1919
Akhmatova, Ty - otstupnik: za ostrov zelenyi…
Tsvetaeva, Moskva! - Kakoi ogromnyi strannopriimnyi dom…
Multivalent Markers
Петроград (Petrograd)
столица (capital)
PBC0011: grief at destruction
place -- unreal place -- hell -- Bolshevik -- grief at destruction -- bad present
Works Using This PBC
Artamonov, Snova idu ia k bagrianomu svetu…
Sokol, Marsovo pole
Multivalent Markers
Марсово поле (Marsovo pole)
Петроград (Petrograd)
ад (hell)
PBC0023: resolve to fight
place -- unreal place -- hell -- nationalist -- fortitude -- bad present
Works Using This PBC
Balashov, Poetu nashikh dnei
Tsvetaeva, Bal'montu
Tsvetaeva, Bloku
Tsvetaeva, Dorozhkoiu prostonarodnoiu, smirennoiu…
Tsvetaeva, Na kortike svoem: Marina - ty nachertal…
Multivalent Markers
Россия (Russia)
ад (hell)
отчизна (fatherland)
рай (heaven, paradise)
родина (motherland)
PBC0079: anxiety about future
place -- uncanny home -- nation -- nationalist -- anxiety about the future -- bad present
Works Using This PBC
Akhmatova, Ia sprosila u kukushki…
Akhmatova, Kogda v toske samoubiistva…
Gor'kii, V liudiakh
Gret, Aprel'
Gret, Bozhe, Bozhe, dai mne sily…
Gret, Iz mira khaki
Gret, Sestry miloserdiia
Multivalent Markers
Волга (Volga River)
Россия (Russia)
домой (homeward)
страна (country (neutral))
PBC0080: political alienation
place -- uncanny home -- city -- nationalist -- disillusionment -- bad present
Works Using This PBC
Akhmatova, Bezhetsk
Akhmatova, Kogda v toske samoubiistva…
Akhmatova, Teper' proshchai stolitsa…
Akhmatova, Tot avgust, kak zheltoe plamia
Gumilëv, Muzhik
Multivalent Markers
Бежецк (Bezhetsk)
Петроград (Petrograd)
Рига (Riga)
столица (capital)
PBC0308: mockery of province
place -- uncanny home -- city -- pro-revolution -- satire of Russian backwardness -- bad present
Works Using This PBC
Kollontai, Skoro (Cherez 48 let)
Tret'iakov, 8. Viatka (Putevka: Chita-Moskva, 1921)
Tret'iakov, 9. Sibgorod (Putevka: Chita-Moskva, 1921)
Multivalent Markers
Вятка (Viatka)
Россия (Russia)
город (city)
провинция (province)
PBC0305: mockery of passivity
place -- home -- nation -- tsarist nationalist -- satire -- bad present
Works Using This PBC
Did, Strategi tyla
Multivalent Markers
Берлин (Berlin)