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Place Based
Multivalent Markers
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Analysis Two
Analysis Three
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Frequently Asked Questions
whole world
Category: type
a new order that affects every terrain on the planet
Place Based Concepts Having this Component
PBC0135: arrogant confidence
place -- whole world -- foreign place -- tsarist nationalist -- tsarist arrogance
Works Using This PBC
Antonov, Velikoi rodine
Did, Vskolykhnulas' Rus'
Multivalent Markers
Русь (Rus)
мир (world)
PBC0136: political alienation
place -- whole world -- existential world -- nationalist -- alienation
Works Using This PBC
Akhmatova, Chem khuzhe etot vek…
Akhmatova, Teper' nikto ne stanet slushat' pesen…
Tsvetaeva, Esli dusha rodilas' krylatoi…
Tsvetaeva, Noch' - Nord-Ost. - Rev soldat. - Rev voln…
Tsvetaeva, Trudno i chudno - vernost' do groba…
Multivalent Markers
дом (house; home)
запад (west)
мир (world)
площадь (city square)
PBC0137: hope for peace
place -- whole world -- existential world -- nationalist -- hope for peace
Works Using This PBC
Viatkin, V tserkvi
Multivalent Markers
мир (world)
PBC0138: despair at collapse
place -- whole world -- global order -- nationalist -- despair at chaos
Works Using This PBC
Daletskii, Vdrug vskrichat'
Tsvetaeva, Pamiati A.A. Stakhovicha
Multivalent Markers
мир (world)
PBC0139: joy at nature
place -- whole world -- borderless world -- nationalist -- joy at earthly miracle
Works Using This PBC
Gor'kii, V liudiakh
Semenovskii, Ia poslan v mir, chtoby skazat'…
Multivalent Markers
лес (forest)
мир (world)
PBC0140: anxiety at future
place -- whole world -- existential world -- nationalist -- anxiety about Russia’s future
Works Using This PBC
Averchenko, Otryvok budushchego romana
Gor'kii, V liudiakh
Gret, Zavety
Tsvetaeva, Idet po lugovinam litiia…
Multivalent Markers
Волга (Volga River)
Россия (Russia)
мир (world)
PBC0142: alienation from war
place -- whole world -- global order -- Bolshevik -- alienation from the world war
Works Using This PBC
Bogorodskii, Mednaia sila
Maiakovskii, Ia i Napoleon
Stradnyi, Russkoi proletarke
Multivalent Markers
Карпаты (Carpathian Mountains)
Пресня (Presnia)
Россия (Russia)
запад (west)
PBC0294: pride in nation
place -- whole world -- empire -- tsarist nationalist -- arrogance -- epic time
Works Using This PBC
Gumilëv, O, da, my iz rasy…
Multivalent Markers
Гора Афон (Mt. Athos)
Мадрид (Madrid)
Франция (France)
восток (east)
запад (west)
мир (world)
север (north)